Proact Estonia ja Red Hat toovad teieni: 

Täiuslik ettevõtte IT platvorm Red Hat vahenditega.

Kaasaegsed rakendused vajavad paindlikku ja töökindlat platvormi. Konteineritest virtualiseerimiseni, automatiseerimisest Linuxini. Red Hat vahenditega saab selle ehitada ja seda hallata.

Sellest kõigest tuleb juttu meie Red Hat seminaril, sealhulgas kuidas edasi minna CentOSiga, automatiseerida, kaitsta andmeid ning luua parim keskkond ärirakendustele.

Ajakava 👇


10:00   Kogunemine ning kohv ☕
10:30   Tervitussõnad Proact Estonialt
10:45   CentOS Transition, OS Standardization with Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Navigating IT Excellence with Tommi Sohlberg    

Dive into the Future: CentOS Transition, Standardization, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Join us for an insightful presentation as Tommi unpacks the complexities of managing operating systems in today's dynamic IT landscape. Explore the recent shifts in the Linux ecosystem, focusing on the challenges posed by CentOS reaching its end of life and the importance of standardization through Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Tommi will delve into practical strategies for overcoming distribution sprawl, emphasizing the critical need for efficiency, error reduction, and strategic adoption of Red Hat's solutions. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to gain invaluable insights, refine your approach, and navigate the future of IT with confidence. Register now and embark on a transformative journey towards streamlining your IT environment.

​​​​​​11:30   Strategic Automation: Empowering Business Through Visionary Leadership with Matti Nieminen

Join us for a compelling exploration led by Matti Nieminen as he illuminates the pressing need for automation in the face of growing digitalization demands and limited resources. In this presentation, Matti will dissect the complexities of modern business and IT environments, emphasizing the critical role of automation in breaking organizational boundaries and fostering cultural change. With a focus on visionary leadership, he will delve into how management can define and communicate a strategic vision, continuously develop it, and drive organizational transformation through automation. Don't miss this thought-provoking session, offering actionable insights and strategies to empower your business for the digital future. Register now and gain access to the knowledge that will transform your approach to automation in the boardroom and beyond.

12:30    Lõunasöök 🥗

13:30   OpenShift Unleashed: Navigating Enterprise Innovation with Timo Vilen

Unlocking Openshift's Potential: Join us for an enlightening session led by Timo Vilen as he delves deep into the transformative world of Openshift. In this presentation, Timo will unravel the strategic advantages of Red Hat's Openshift Plus, dispelling common myths and highlighting its genuine value proposition. Gain unparalleled insights into how Openshift empowers organizations, revolutionizing the way developers approach application development. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the future of enterprise applications with Timo, a true visionary in the realm of technology.   

14:30    Storware ning Red Hat OpenShift platvormi modernne varunduslahendus / K.Kannel, T.Übner    

15:00    Seminaripäeva lõpp 

Seminar on mõeldud IT juhtidele, IT infra ja operatsoonide spetsialistidele, platvormi arhitektidele ning süsteemiadministraatoritele, aga ka kõigile teistele, kes puutuvad kokku andmete halduse, kaitse, IT infra ja platvormi teemadega. Tule kohale ning kohtu oma ala ekspertidega. 

Üritus on tasuta, kuid eelnev registreerimine on kohustuslik. ​

Oma osalemisest anna palun teada hiljemalt 22. novembriks täites ära allpool oleva registreerimisvormi. 

Küsimuste korral võta palun ühendust:


Proact Estonia & Red Hat

Saa tuttavaks Red Hati ekspertidega:

Tommi Sohlberg

Tommi is IT professional with over 20 years of expertise in various IT positions. As a Senior Solutions Architect at Red Hat, Tommi has designed and implemented various IT solutions for businesses. At the webinar, he will share his insights how Red Hat solutions can add value to a Customers processes. Attendees will learn from his unique perspective on the latest trends and best practices in the field.

Matti Nieminen

Matti Nieminen is an Automation Sales Specialist at Red Hat, focusing on Ireland, Finland, and the Baltics. With over 13 years of IT experience, Matti excels at guiding organizations in crafting automation strategies and advancing digital transformation. His proficiency encompasses hybrid and multi-cloud solutions, DevSecOps, Kubernetes, and automation. Matti's customer-centric approach and knack for delivering IT solutions that enhance business value position him as an invaluable contributor in the ever-evolving technology landscape.

Timo Vilen

Timo Vilen is a technology expert with over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. He is currently working as a Solution Architect at Red Hat, where he specializes in the Openshift container platform. With his vast knowledge and expertise in the field, Timo will be sharing his insights and expertise in his upcoming talk on the benefits and best practices of using the Openshift platform for enterprise applications. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from Timo and gain valuable insights into the world of container platforms and enterprise application development.

Seminarile registreerimiseks täitke palun järgmised väljad:



This event is co-hosted in partnership with Proact and Red Hat. As a result, Red Hat and Proact are collecting your personal data when you submit such information as part of the registration process above.
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